Harneet Kaur, a Sikh High School student who is doing Running Start at Whatcom Community College, visited the old Larrabee school building, at the top of the hill in Fairhaven, at 18th Street and Larrabee Street. Harneet Kaur was there to share about Sikhi with elementary students who are home schooled. The school is a part of the Bellingham School District and it houses “The Family Partnership Program”. This program assists families who home school their children with a variety of interesting enrichment classes

This quarter, Piper Mertie, has been teaching a World Cultures class featuring visitors from many Faiths and world cultures.

Harneet Kaur brought with her a bag full of Sikh and Punjabi clothing, including dastaar (turban) material – fine cotton that was 7 yards long. She also showed the children a traditional Punjabi suit with beautiful chunis, or head veils. The 5Ks (Sikh articles of faith) were explained and the children learned how to say, and also write in Punjabi script, the Sikh greeting, Sat Sri Akal. It was a lovely experience for all.